HOWTO: Install Android-x86 2.2 in VirtualBox
Since Android-x86 2.2 was officially released a few days ago, I figured I’d provide a quick rundown of how to get it up and running in VirtualBox. All in all, it is pretty straightforward. Download, install, download, install. But if you’ve never installed a Linux based system before, some of the steps will look quite foreign. Plenty of screenshots will help with that!
Step 1: Install VirtualBox
This one’s easy. Head over to the Downloads section on the VirtualBox site and snag the appropriate installer for your OS. Since it will be a little different for each OS, I won’t provide screenshots for each step here. In general there’s just a lot of “Next” clicking involved. Of note, the networking component of the setup process will temporarily disrupt your connection. So if you’re downloading anything else, wait until it is finished before continuing with the setup.Once installation is completed, you’ll be greeted with a screen like this the first time you run VirtualBox:
Fresh VirtualBox install
Step 2: Get the Android-x86 ISO
Next up, you’ll need the Android-x86 ISO itself. The one to snag is android-x86-2.2-generic.iso.Since the project is active, by the time you read this, there may be a new ISO out. So also check the Downloads section on Google Code:
Step 3: Create a New VirtualBox VM
Now it is time to create a virtual machine for Android-x86 to run in. Hit the “New” button and you’ll get a “Create New Virtual Machine” dialog.
Create a new VM
Set your new VM's name and OS type
Allocating memory to your VM
If you’re wanting to save your changes (installed apps, settings and whatnot) then you’ll need to create a VHD, leave the box checked and hit “Next”.
If you only intend to boot the Live CD and toy around for a bit, you can skip this part by unchecking the “Boot Hard Disk” box. When you hit “Next” you’ll get a warning about needing some sort of bootable media—just ignore it, that’ll get taken care of in the next step. Hit “Finish” and jump to the next step of the tutorial.
Choose whether or not you want to create a VHD
Choose the type of VHD you want to create
Choose the size of your VHD
Your new VM!
Step 4: Mount the ISO
Now that you’ve got a VM ready to use, there’s one last step before booting the ISO—mounting the ISO! Right click the VM in your list and bring up its “Settings” dialog, then go to the “Storage” section of it. Under “IDE Controller” you’ll see an entry for your VHD, if you created one, and a CD icon that says “Empty” next to it. Select the CD entry and you’ll see another CD icon on the right hand side. Click it and select “Choose a virtual CD/DVD disk file…”. This pops open a standard file dialog; browse to wherever you saved the ISO in Step 2 and select it. After that, hit OK to exit the Settings dialog.
Mounting the Android-x86 ISO
Step 5: Boot it up!
You’re now ready to boot the new VM. Double click on it and the VM will start running. If this is a fresh VirtualBox install, you should have several dialogs popping up. The first talks about the “Auto capture keyboard” option. The important thing to remember is that if you need to break out of the VM to control the rest of your system again, hit the right hand Ctrl key (at least on Windows) and the VM will release control back to the host OS. Next, you may get a dialog about your system’s color depth being greater than 16 bit. This can be safely ignored. Check the “Do not show this message again…” box and you’re set. Last will be a dialog about “Mouse pointer integration”, which we’ll actually need to turn off in a moment. Hit OK on these and you should see the Live CD’s boot menu:
The Android-x86 boot menu
Android-x86 up and running!
Step 6: Installing Android-x86 to the VHD
So everything is set up and ready to run, but there are a few steps left if you want to install Android-x86 to a virtual hard drive. From the boot menu select “Installation – Install Android-x86 to harddisk”. A bunch of text will fly by and you’ll get the following menu:
Time to create a partition
The cfdisk partition editor
Partition created
Ready to install
Format the new partition with an filesystem ext3
Install the GRUB boot loader
Select whether or not you want /system to be read-write
Since the ISO is still mounted, the VM will boot off it again after a reboot. From the “Machine” menu, “Close” the VM, go back into the VM settings and unmount the ISO following the same instructions from step 4, but select “Remove disk from virtual drive”. Then it will boot off the freshly installed VHD instead.
Android-x86 installed and ready to rock!
Summary and Downloads:
That’s it! You should now have a VM with Android-x86 installed on a VHD, ready to use. Don’t forget to disable mouse integration so you can see your cursor, and remember that right Ctrl releases back to the host OS. Other keys of importance: Back is mapped to Escape; Home is mapped to the Windows key; Menu is, appropriately, mapped to the Menu key (if you don’t know which one that is, it’s the one you never use between Ctrl and Alt on the right hand side of the keyboard).Enjoy and have fun!
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